This project is funded by the Bavarian State Ministry for Family, Labor and Social Affairs as part of the SeLA (Self-determined Living in Old Age) funding program.



Quarter management should contribute to making the local social environment lively and attractive for older people in order to enable senior citizens to age safely and independently in their familiar surroundings and within established structures for as long as possible. In addition to needs-based housing options and good basic services, local support services, advice and social networks are important components of a successful neighborhood concept. However, the focus is not exclusively on the specific problems of individuals, but rather on linking and supplementing existing structures with a view to ensuring security of supply for all older people in the neighborhood. In order to implement and realize this, different stakeholders need to work together and civic engagement needs to be promoted. 


The district office on the 2nd floor of the town hall of Bad Neustadt a. d. Saale is a central contact point for the 65+ generation, (caring) relatives and all interested citizens in the city area.

Here you can obtain information and advice on all questions relating to the topic of "ageing", with the aim of being able to lead a self-determined life into old age. The neighborhood management takes on the following tasks:


In a personal meeting, your individual concerns can be discussed and options for help in various life situations can be pointed out.  If necessary, you can be referred to the relevant specialist agencies and authorities (e.g. care support point, housing advice, etc.). We are also happy to support and accompany you on this path.


The quarter management organizes social activities, meetings, educational offers and information events on various topics. The dates are published in the city magazine under the heading Neighborhood work, on the city's website or in the showcases. 


In order to specifically draw attention to the wishes and needs of senior citizens, the quarter management is in constant contact with various (voluntary) actors in order to support or initiate the development of any missing offers and networks.

The city of Bad Neustadt a. d. Saale is participating in the research project "Digital Dementia Register Bavaria", digiDEM Bavaria for short.The project aims to improve the living conditions of people with dementia and their relatives in Bavaria and is funded by the Bavarian State Ministry of Health and Care.


People with memory impairments or incipient dementia and their carers. Memory performance is assessed using scientifically based test procedures. The test result does not constitute a diagnosis and does not replace a visit to a specialist.


- The opportunity to have your memory checked regularly

- Questioning by trained persons

- Access to digital services for support in everyday life

- the opportunity to influence the care of those affected in Bavaria


Quartiersmanagement Bad Neustadt a. d. Saale
Frau Carolin Endres 
Rathausgasse 2
97616 Bad Neustadt a. d. Saale

Telefon: 09771 / 9106-107
Telefax: 09771 / 9106-109

E-Mail: carolin.endres(at) 





(telefonische Voranmeldung wünschenswert)

Montag - Donnerstag 
9:00 – 12:00 Uhr

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